
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Being A Libary Monitor

"YEAH" I enthusiastically said. I jumped up and down like a monkey wanting banana's because it was my first day on the job and I was so excited about being a Liberian for the school.

The other librarian's welcomed me with a great game of 'Sticker tag'. Mrs Mitchell lets us read books and even do hard puzzles that sometimes take 10 minutes or even more. I made a few mistakes but luckily Hajira my awesome friend lead me to where the books really had to be put.

I go to the library at least four times a week every lunch time and sometimes interval time but only if I finish my other job which is being a busy monitor that sorts out the books for our amazing teachers. When I go to the library I return the books and then neatly stack them back on the shelves where they belong.

I absolutely love being a Liberian because it is so much fun and encourages me to read more. I'm going to the library today and I can't wait.

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